Welcome to Zyphe:

Control your Personal data storage with Zero Knowledge Privacy and Security

Zyphe Verify:
Zyphe Verify

Is a decentralized KYC solution that ensures privacy by verifying users without sharing their identity details.

Zyphe KYC:

Simplifying Verification and Protecting Privacy


Zyphe streamlines identity verification, and by default passes no personal information about the user to the business.

Efficient Solution

Zyphe streamlines identity verification, and by default passes no personal information about the user to the business.

Secure Data Storage

Users retain full control over their data inside their personal decentralized storage (POD)

Seamless B2B Verification Process

Zyphe streamlines the B2B verification process, making it efficient and hassle-free.

Protecting User Identity and Data Security

Zyphe ensures the privacy and security of user identities and data, giving businesses peace of mind.

Key Benefits:

Benefits for Businesses Using Zyphe

Ensures compliance with privacy laws, safeguarding sensitive customer information.

Reduces the risk of data breaches, providing a secure environment for data storage.

Enhances customer trust by verifying user identities without disclosing any personal details.

How It Works:

Step-by-Step Verification Process:

Users sign up for Zyphe's verification service
Zyphe stores and secures user data
Businesses integrate with Zyphe to verify users
Zyphe notifies businesses of verified users
Businesses can confidently trust the verified users
Zyphe Verify:

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Zyphe work?

Zyphe verifies your ID without sharing details. Businesses just see a "verified" status, keeping your data private.

How can I get started?

Easy! Sign up for Zyphe's verification service. We'll guide you through the steps.

Is my data safe?

Yes! You control your data in a secure pod. Zyphe never shares it with businesses.

Zyphe's impact on standards?

Zyphe sets a new standard! Secure, private KYC for a new era of online identity.

Can I cancel anytime?

Absolutely! You have full control. Simply cancel your Zyphe account whenever you want.

Still have questions?

A profile-image of a person who gave feedback.

John Doe


Zyphe's verification system has revolutionized our business. It's efficient, secure, and hassle-free.

Book a Demo

Decentralized Storage is the Future of Data Security and Accessibility

Decentralized KYC with Zyphe Verify

Streamline your verification process and protect user privacy with Zyphe.