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About Us:

Our Company

Zyphe Verify:
We believe that a truly decentralized financial identity for every person is the biggest missing piece in the identity verification landscape.

“There are only two types of companies: Those that have been hacked and those that will be hacked.”

Robert S. Mueller, III, former Director of the FBI

Federated identity systems’ downsides directly impact Companies relying on them: slow on-boarding time, high bounce rate during registration and exposure to liability for security issues.

Zyphe solves all the mentioned inefficiencies through an ultra-secure system Privileged Identity Management Systems (PIMS) based on decentralized storage and built around Companies’ and Users’ needs.

We want to become the world’s first decentralized data bank. Why?

At Zyphe, we believe everyone has the right to take ownership of their digital identity and control which data is shared with what companies. Furthermore, we want to empower businesses to seamlessly and securely verify the identity of their customers without being prone to customer data management risks.

See How Our Clients Overcome Verification Challenges and Achieve Remarkable Results.

Our Mission:
Our Company:



We believe that people should have complete transparency over which companies are collecting their personal data and why it's being used


We believe that people should have end to end control of their personal data and have the necessary tools to manage who has access and how it's used


We believe that people have the right to own their digital identity and have sole access to where their personal data is stored


We believe that companies have unfairly benefited from people's personal data for far too long and believe it's time to reward people for their personal data

Our Company:


Help Businesses

Compliance is key for onboarding new customers, no matter where the business is located. Our onboarding automation is designed to make it easy for businesses everywhere to comply with AML/KYC rules and regulations in different countries (for example Germany has strict regulations on that).We want to help businesses expand their operations and reach new markets without running into jurisdictional requirements.

Build the Future of Verification

We envision a world that seamlessly verifies identity, freeing users from the requirement to carry physical documents. Digital identities will be securely stored in the cloud and verified by many independent services around the global secure and efficient movement of goods and services. The vision is simple; a future where a user's identity is securely stored digitally and unencumbered by paper documents, ensuring the secure and efficient movement of goods and services globally.

Protect People

Our mission is to make the internet a safer place, protect people and prevent fraud. We want to eliminate document forgery and identity spoofing, as well as money laundering.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have international representatives?

Zyphe is a global company, but our primary support team is currently based in Europe (CET). Don't hesitate to reach out - we'll do our best to accommodate your needs regardless of location.

What are Zyphe's core values?

Zyphe prioritizes security, privacy, innovation, and building trust in the digital age.

Is Zyphe VC-backed?

Yes, Zyphe is backed by leading venture capital firms focused on fostering groundbreaking security solutions.

What's Zyphe's mission?

Zyphe's mission is to empower businesses with secure and efficient identity verification solutions, fostering trust online.

What makes Zyphe different?

We prioritize user privacy and cutting-edge technology to deliver the most secure and efficient verification solutions on the market.

Still have questions?

Book a Demo:

Decentralized Storage is the Future of Data Security and Accessibility

Decentralized KYC with Zyphe Verify

Streamline your verification process and protect user privacy with Zyphe.